What? The Rangers are a half game out of 1st?

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Okay, why is it that the Texas Rangers have 9 days to go before they open the season, but they are already a half game out of first. Also, why is it that the opening game of the season took place in Japan at 6am (my time) a whole week before anyone else plays? These are things that I just do not understand. so the standings for the AL West right now (and will be for 9 more days) Seattle – 1-0, Oakland – 0-1, LA Angels -HNP and Texas – HNP (Have Not Played). That is almost as bad as the NFL starting on a Wednesday night…oh, wait, that is going to happen as well. Am I the only one wondering why sports decided to change things up? Opening day used to mean something to all of us. It was a Monday and it was almost like a national holiday. Now, it happens at 6 in the morning in Japan. I am very disappointed with MLB in general right now. Baseball is nothing if it is not a sport of habit and tradition. Now it is a sport of “what?”  So, if you don’t mind, I am not going to call today opening day, I think I will leave that distinction to when the Rangers actually take the field.

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