Thoughts on Boston

Events like the Boston marathon bombing that occurred yesterday are a stark reminder to all of us the failed state of the human condition. We as humans have failed each other when events like this continue to occur. I am angry, sickened and saddened all at the same time. To take an event that is supposed to be joyous, a major personal accomplishment like finishing the 26.2 mile Boston Marathon, and turning it into a national tragedy is unacceptable to say the least. It shows us the worst if all of us, the worst of the human condition if you will.

Then of course there is the flip side of tragedy: it also brings us real heroes. We as writers and fans debate all of the time about sports figures as heroes, and I think that debate is both entertaining and enjoyable, but during something like what happened yesterday, we see the good side of the human condition as well. Regular, every day people who will go out of their way to help someone they don’t even know and will probably never see again. People who see an opportunity to do the right thing and step up to the plate and do it. When we all come together as Americans and help the guy next to us because that is what we do. Those people are the true American heroes. Not stepping up for the chance at money, fame or glory, but just stepping up because it is what they hope someone would do for them in the same situation.

I write about baseball, that is what I do, but events like yesterday are a stark reminder of the important things in life. So please pray for those effected by the tragedy and remember, when you sit down to watch the Rangers game tonight that there are more important things in this life, but escaping those things for three hours a night and enjoying some baseball is a great thing. Enjoy the game tonight and God Bless America.

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