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As I sit here watching the Rangers game, I am getting more and more frustrated. How can the Rangers look so good one game and so bad the next? And what happened to Matt Harrison. That is two horrible games in a row for Harry. And, as a side note, what is up with the A’s yellow jerseys? Ugly and distracting, to say the least. The Ranger were clicking on all cylinders yesterday, hitting pitching and fielding great. But as I watch this game so far, 6-0 at this point, I need some one to explain to me how they are so bad today! I know teams go through spells, but they seem to be bad more than good. As a friend of mine put it earlier today, the 2011 Rangers are frustrating. I will watch, because I always do, but I sure hope the Rangers decide at some point to figure it out!

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One thought on “Frustration

  1. I would call the 2011 Rangers a bag full of shit!!!!

    I don’t know if this is Wash ball with some much frustration. Thad Bosley ball with so much inconsistent offense. I just get so angry watching the Rangers….would like some consistent baseball….don’t care if they lose just want to see consistent pitching, defense, and offense.

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